Mind sports olympics now open for registration

55 хэрэглэгч унших

pente_playerДасгалжуулагч 2021-07-30T06:57:36+03:00
I suspect that Gomoku, Entropy and Othello may be hosted on vint.ee as well as other games this year. Pente, I'm 99% sure will happen here, since it will be with swap2 openung rules. People can now register for any of the games which interest them on thre calendar. There is no charge for entering events this year, and several will have prizes for the winners:
dg80zx 2021-08-03T12:51:11+03:00
is 19x19 gomoku board possible here? :D
pente_playerДасгалжуулагч 2021-08-09T20:04:11+03:00
Not that I'm aware of, but there was a pretty good turnout for swap2 15x15 here in last year's MSO.
abdekker 2021-08-12T19:57:24+03:00
Is the Entropy tournament open for registration? The MSO website lists it as:

But this doesn't appear to be a valid link.

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