Balti riikide online vene kabe turniir

Read by 54 users founder 2012-05-10T10:21:50+03:00

Saatsin täna Läti ja Leedu kabe eestvedajatele kirja:


We are planning to organize an every-week online tournament in Russian Draughts for Baltic draughts players.
The tournaments will start in June and will be held every Tuesday at 20:00 in The time control will be 3min+2sec.
At start, there will be no awards and titles - it will be for entertainment and to get draughts players from Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia to communicate to each other.
If the tournament will come more popular, we can move to closed tournament format - every country will give the list of the players (mindoku usernames) and no one else could participate in these tournaments. After this, we can think of some awards, titles like "Best online Russian Draughts player in Baltic states" etc.

What do you think about the idea? We can also discuss this in mindoku's forum:
If you think it will be a good idea, i will appreciate if you notify draughts players in your country about this tournament."

Kes soovib sõna sekka öelda, võib seda teha juba mindokus (et lätlased ja leedukad ka näeksid).

Marten founder 2012-06-03T14:43:08+03:00
Tuniirisari algab juba täna kell 20:00!

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