Fischeri male

Loetud 115 kasutaja poolt

hardkoor 2008-08-10T20:31:59+03:00
Panen ette implementida Fischeri male. Valida võiks saada seisu ID (0-960) kui ka lasta see suvaliselt genereerida.
hardkoor 2008-09-15T20:09:09+03:00
Paistab, et mu idee vajab veits reklaami.

Fischeri male kujutab endast malet, kus viimase rea vigurid on segi paisatud selliste reeglite järgi:
* kuningas peab vankrite vahel olema.
* odad ei saa olla sama värvi ruutude peal.
* mustade vigurite asukoht on peegelpildis valgete omadega.
* vangerdamine käib põhimõtteliselt samamoodi nagu tavalise male puhul. Vangerdamise lõpuks peavad kuningas ja vanker olema samas kohas, kus standardse male puhul - valgetel suur vangerdus Kc1 Vd1, väike Kg1 Vf1. Mustadel vastavalt 8. real. Täpsemalt Wikipediast.

Tegemist on mänguga, milles ei mängi niivõrd rolli avangute tundmine, kui mänguoskus. Ise olen seda natuke mänginud ja ütleks, et see annab malemängule päris palju vürtsi juurde. asutaja 2008-09-16T07:30:45+03:00

Probleem siis järgmine: Mäng võib olla huvitav ja põnev, kuid kui kasutajad seda meil mängima ei hakka, on meie poolt mõttetu panustada selle mängu arendamisse.

Näitena võib tuua marineerimise (1459 mängu) ja kolm tuld (421 mängu). Kui nüüd võrrelda neid malega (41518 mängu), siis on näha, et nn. derivaate küll mängitakse kuid suht vähe.

Kokkuvõtteks - kui siin foorumis avaldab sinu mõttele toetust vähemalt 10 kasutajat, teeme väikese analüüsi ära ja ütleme, kaua meil selle arendamiseks aega läheb.

Parimat, Meeskond
TiiT 2008-09-17T05:33:24+03:00
Olen seda mängu mänginud paar korda ja päris põnev oli. Küll oli vastasel normaalne nuppude asetus ja mul oli muudetud, aga teooriat see siiski ei lubanud mängida ja see lisas asjale kõvasti vürtsi juurde.

Arvan et seda täitsa võidakse mängida, ja kui tõesti eriti mitte, siis võib selle prioriteetides natuke tahapoole lükata.
isahyljes 2008-09-26T16:19:40+03:00
*Kindlasti* Fischeri male ei ole derivaat selles mõttes, et malereeglid jäävad samaks -- lihtsalt algseis on teine.
Derivaadid on need, kus mängureegleid muudetakse -- a'la
mäng kestab niikaua, kuni teine vastane läheb kolmandat korda kempsu ;)
Seega võiks selle ikkagi ära teha (ei tohiks selle "implementeerimine" ju raske olla.)
Ja minu poolt kummardus suurmeister Fischerile. asutaja 2008-11-23T12:50:53+02:00
Kas seisu ID-d peab saama üldse valida? Äkki oleks parem, kui see ID alati juhuslikult genereerida.

Fisheri male turniiridel oleks vist ka mõistlik igale mängule juhuslik algseis genereerida. asutaja 2008-11-26T19:12:28+02:00
Kuidas on lood vangerdusega Fischeri males? Wikipedia seletus jäi arusaamatuks... Kas vangerdada tohib suvaliselt kuninga ja vankri positsioonilt, peaasi, et lõppseis oleks nagu tavamales? asutaja 2008-11-27T20:16:51+02:00
Kas kellelgi on kogemusi netis Fischeri male mängimisega?

Või on kellelgi arvutiprogramm, kus seda mängida saab?
Trillatrulla 2009-11-17T15:37:54+02:00
Samad reeglid vangerdusel- kuningas ega vanker ei tohi olla liikunud, läbi tule vangerdada ei tohi. algpositsioon muus osas, siis nagu avangus oli, lõpp, nagu tavamales. kehtib ka siis, kui vanker seisab kuninga kohal.

Mänginud jah, Ficsis peaks selle teemal miski helpfile olema.
Trillatrulla 2009-11-17T16:00:06+02:00
[i]postitas Trillatrulla[/i]
Samad reeglid vangerdusel- kuningas ega vanker ei tohi olla liikunud, läbi tule vangerdada ei tohi. algpositsioon muus osas, siis nagu avangus oli, lõpp, nagu tavamales. kehtib ka siis, kui vanker seisab kuninga kohal.

Mänginud jah, Ficsis peaks selle teemal miski helpfile olema.

käisin vaatamas seda reeglistikku:
The rules of F.R. Chess are the same as Classical Chess, except for the
castling rule. Castling is somewhat modified and broadened to allow for the
possibility of castling in the various 960 starting positions. Please note
the following points about castling:
Depending on the pre-castling position of the castling King and Rook, the
castling maneuver is performed by one of these four methods:

1. By on one turn making one move with the King, and making one move with
the Rook ("double-move" castling).
2. By transposing the position of the King and the Rook ("transposition"
3. By making only one move - with the King ("King-move-only" castling).
4. By making only one move - with the Rook ("Rook-move-only' castling).
o In "double-move" castling, if the King is standing on the square the Rook
will occupy naturally you must move the King first and then the Rook; if
the Rook is standing on the square the King will occupy naturally you must
move the Rook first and then the King; otherwise whether you move the King
first and then the Rook, or the Rook first and then the King is strictly
your choice.

o In "double-move" castling either the King jumps over the Rook or else the
Rook jumps over the King.

o In "King-move-only" castling the King always jumps over the Rook.

o In "Rook-move-only" castling the Rook always jumps over the King.

o "a"-side castling (0-0-0), and "h"-side castling (0-0) are the F.R. Chess
equivalents of Queen-side or long castling (0-0-0), and King-side or short
castling (0-0) respectively, of Classical Chess.

o In F.R. Chess:

1. White's "a"-side castling (0-0-0) is performed with the previously
unmoved White King and the previously unmoved Rook standing to its left. After White's "a"-side castling (0-0-0) the White King stands on
c1 and the Rook stands on d1. Black's "a"-side castling (... 0-0-0) is
performed with the previously unmoved Black King and the previously
unmoved Rook standing to its right. After White's "a"-side castling
(0-0-0) the Black King stands on c8 and the aforementioned Rook stands
on d8.
2. White's "h"-side castling (0-0) is performed with the previously
unmoved White King and the previously unmoved Rook standing to its
right. After White's "h"-side castling (0-0) the White King stands on
g1 and the Rook stands on f1. Black's "h"-side castling (... 0-0) is
performed with the previously unmoved Black King and the previously
unmoved Rook standing to its left. After Black's "h"-side castling
(... 0-0) the Black King stands on g8 and the Rook stands on f8.

o When castling, you are not allowed to make any capture(s).

o When castling, no other piece(s), yours or your opponent's, are allowed to
stand between the castling King and Rook.

o You are not allowed to castle if you are in check.

o You are not allowed to castle into check.
o Your King is not allowed to move through check or a "checked" square,
whether such squares are vacant or have a Rook on them. (A "checked"
square is a square that is attacked by one or more of your opponent's

o During "double-move" castling it is quite possible and not at all illegal
for a momentary stalemate, check, or checkmate to occur. Ignore it! You
must complete the "double-move" castling and then check for position

o A given King or Rook move could be the first move of "double-move"
castling -OR- it could be a standard non-castling move. To avoid
ambiguities, your move is complete only when you push the appropriate
button on the chess clock.

o Suggestion: When playing a friendly game of F.R. Chess without benefit of
a chess clock, it might sometimes be a good idea to announce to your
opponent just before you castle, "I'm going to castle."
1. Once the White King has moved, White is not allowed to castle for the
rest of the game. Once the Black King has moved, Black is not allowed
to castle for the rest of the game.
2. If the rook Rook starting on the left of the White King has moved,
White is not allowed to "a"-side castle (0-0-0) for the rest of the
game. If the Rook starting on the right of the unmoved Black King has
moved, Black is not allowed to "a"-side castle (... 0-0-0) for the
rest of the game.
3. If the rook Rook starting on the right of the White King has moved,
White may not "h"-side castle (0-0) for the rest of the game. If the
Rook starting on the left of the Black King has moved, Black may not
"h"-side castle (... 0-0) for the rest of the game.
4. Once White has castled, White is not allowed to castle again for the
rest of the game. Once Black has castled, Black is not allowed to
castle again for the rest of the game.

o Observation: In F.R. Chess, it may be momentarily impossible to "a"-side
castle (0-0-0) and/or to "h"-side castle (0-0) because of the obstructing
position of your other unmoved Rook. These are frequent occurrences in
F.R. Chess.If you are ever in any doubt about the correct "before" and "after" castling positions in F.R. Chess, please consult the following tables, showing all
(84) possibilities of castling, (42) for White, and (42) for Black. Note that
there are only four (4) "After" positions, the same ones as for Classical

White "a"-side castling (0-0-0):
Before: Kg1; Rf1, e1, d1, c1, b1 or a1 After: Kc1; Rd1.
Before: Kf1; Re1, d1, c1, b1, or a1 After: Kc1; Rd1.
Before: Ke1; Rd1, c1, b1, or a1 After: Kc1; Rd1.
Before: Kd1; Rc1, b1 or a1 After: Kc1; Rd1.
Before: Kc1; Rb1 or a1 After: Kc1; Rd1.
Before: Kb1; Ra1 After: Kc1; Rd1.

White "h"-side castling (0-0):
Before: Kb1; Rc1, d1, e1, f1, g1 or h1. After: Kg1; Rf1.
Before: Kc1; Rd1, e1, f1, g1 or h1 After: Kg1; Rf1.
Before: Kd1; Re1, f1, g1 or h1 After: Kg1; Rf1.
Before: Ke1; Rf1, g1 or h1 After: Kg1; Rf1.
Before: Kf1; Rg1 or h1 After: Kg1; Rf1.
Before: Kg1; Rh1 After: Kg1; Rf1.

Black "a"-side castling (... 0-0-0):
Before: Kg8; Rf8, e8, d8, c8, b8 or a8 After: Kc8; Rd8.
Before: Kf8; Re8, d8, c8, b8 or a8 After: Kc8; Rd8.
Before: Ke8; Rd8, c8, b8 or a8 After: Kc8; Rd8.
Before: Kd8; Rc8, b8 or a8 After: Kc8; Rd8.
Before: Kc8; Rb8 or a8 After: Kc8; Rd8.
Before: Kb8; Ra8 After: Kc8; Rd8.

Black "h"-side castling (... 0-0):
Before: Kb8; Rc8, d8, e8, f8, g8 or h8 After: Kg8; Rf8.
Before: Kc8; Rd8, e8, f8, g8 or h8 After: Kg8; Rf8.
Before: Kd8; Re8, f8, g8 or h8 After: Kg8; Rf8.
Before: Ke8; Rf8, g8 or h8 After: Kg8; Rf8.
Before: Kf8; Rg8 or h8 After: Kg8; Rf8.
Before: Kg8; Rh8 After: Kg8; Rf8.

Käsk, millega kogu eelnevat osa ficsis esile manada: "help fr_rules"

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