Othello MM 2011

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antsAllenatore 2011-07-06T15:07:29+03:00
Dear Othello Federations,

Anjar Co. has announced that the 35th World Othello Championship will be held in the New York Metropolitan Area, November 2-5, 2011. The venue will be the Hilton Hotel, Newark Liberty International Airport, conveniently located close to the airport and mass transportation to New York City (15-30 minutes).

Hilton Hotel, Newark: A discounted rate of $99 is being held through October 12. Refer to the Othello Tournament when booking.
We recommend you who not want to stay at Hotel Hilton to search hotel in Newark.

Further details on the WOC will be made available soon in the Othello Bulletin 345.
(Please observe that www.worldothellofederation.com is down for the moment. Changes of web servers.)

Best regards

Benkt Steentoft
Wor´ld Othello Championship
antsAllenatore 2011-07-06T17:41:58+03:00
Dear Othellofriends

We are happy to say that the Othello bulletin 345 now is online.
The url are: http://worldothellofederation.com/othellobulletin345.html.

Best regards
TD-group WOC 2011

Nagu näha, saab võitja 3000 USD, viitsib keegi sellele rahale järele minna? :)

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